Sunday, December 28, 2008


im the girl that hides her pain with a smile that brightens everyone elses day

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a new start

For those that dont know ive bee having alot of problems with life in general,too much to list in one post. Well yesterday i stayed off the computer most the day and since it wasnt to cold and it was pretty i took the girls outside to play. /isabella swung on her swing ,drove her car,ran all over the yard and fed the chickens, we had a blast but after all was said and done we were tired.So last night i was so wore out we all went to bed at 6pm .we got up before dawn and everybody was in a great mood. me included.ive been online but not at the computer , me and Isabella have been playing (indoors thanks to the rain:( )i cooked a real breakfast for the first time in a long time.i plan on making chicken and dumplins today and starting some bread dough to rise so i can cook tommarow.the whole morning has been great until glenn decided to go back to his computer room and icolate himself from his family once again.but im not letting it get me down , i loved the few hours we had together as a real family. so pray that things can keep going this way.because they can only get better from here. oh ifi only i can be as happy as i was this morning everyday. that would be a dream come true

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well here it is 4am iv been up since 2am with isabella and her battleing a night terror (i guess) she sat up screaming bloody murder.adn fling herself around ,even though her eyes were open i couldnt wake her ,and then she finally woke up but was still behaving the same way only she would calm down then look up and point into the air and scream again and try to run away ,she was terrified and it terrified me , im about ready to have a exercisom on my trailer ,this is the first time its happened to isabella ,but the same thing has happended to my ds twice here and me quite a few poor baby i couldnt do anything for her ,so we left and went to my mother in laws house and she calmed down but she wanted out of this house and was so scared.


Well I figure everyone is off to see thier amilies for turkey day, I just wanted to take a moment to say thai i amvery thankful for my wonderful girls isabella and iliana and even though we dont always get along my dear husband glenn ,with out them my life would have no meaning. Everyone be safe and have a fun and happy thanksgiving. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Deviled Eggs and christmas trees

Well this morning i made my first deviled eggs.FUN not the prettiest in the world but they taste great. by the way boiled eggs DONOT peel easily ,that or these eggs just didnt want eaten.

ok now like i promised here are photos of the christmas tree and isabella playing with it. lol glenn made a tree skirt and it says merry christmas everyone isabella,glenn,crystal,lilliana, i died laughing . my childs name is iliana not lilliana ,i guess he was thinking lilly and iliana at the same time.

playing peek a boo

playing with her tree

Saturday, November 22, 2008

chilli problems

Well ladies you would be proud to know i found the way to fix scoarched chilli,soups as long as they are not creamy, use a few spoons of peanut butter and stir into it (it doesnt affect the flavor) or cut up a potato the affect isnt as good but it helps some.

Twilight Review

Sadly i must say it wasnt as good as i hoped and exspected it to be. it was still an ok movie but ,it was also one that its hard to stay awake for.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teeth Soap Part 2

Well i was looking everywhere for it this morning and apparently my dogs ate it or it just disappeared . uggg

O' Christmas Tree

ytyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr vft bmmmk jyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyO Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree Oh How I Love Thee Christmas Tree . thats right we put up our Christmas Tree. It looks a Lil odd because i only decorated the top half so Isabella couldnt pull the ornaments off lol.She loves it,she has played with it every since it was put up.Im so excited because this year she can play with what she gets fro christmas and next year both her and Lilly will be able to enjoy christmas. Merry Christmas everyoneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyfllk,mkbop. lol i stepped out of the room , and i guess isabella had something to type.(im not deleting because everything she has to say matters as much as what i say even if we dont understand it)ill post photos of the christmas tree when i get finished decorating the house

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Black friday is coming up

well I know we are all getting ready for black friday ,so here are some sites that have the ads listed early.

Did You Know Tootsie Pops Are Supposed To Be Dipped In Breastmilk?

I was exspessing some milk because lilly slept alot today instead of nursing ,and here comes Isabella with a tootsie pop trying to dip it into the container , i tell her no and she hits me with the sucker and tries again. again I tell her no and she throws her self to the floor kicking and screaming. gets up and tries again and i tell her no so she slaps at me and runs to her daddy and all i hear is "mama bad" through her crying ,glenn ask me what i did and i tell him and he just laughs his ass off. well after about the 30th time i just give her the cup and she dips her sucker in there and eats it like that for a few minutes then just decides to drink it so apparently suckers are better dipped in breast milk m i didnt know that ,lol you learn something new everyday

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sharing can be dangerous

Im sitting here looking at my 2 month old daughters swollen eye ,from where her dear sister tried to share her tooth brush with her and poked her in the eye trying to share it with her. Last week i was trying to calm her because her sister hit her with toy trying to share. Most moms worry because they cant get their children to share ,I cant get mine to stop. lol

Isabella's First Haircut

Holding my breath. In 2 hours I will be carrying my 13 month old to get her very first haircut. I do not want it cut but it has gotten so long she cant see. Pray that I dont break down crying when they start cutting it.I will take lots of pics. and update this when I return. Well here is her hair. lol I chickened out and couldnt do it also her nana begged me not to get it cut.

Planning The Party

Sunday will be the last episode of True Blood until the summer:( i just want to cry. but never fear ,my wonderful sister and i are having a party for it. we are going to get up early and watch every episode leading up to the new and last episode.we are going to have a nice dinner and just a all around good time ,cant wait until sunday. ill take lots of pictures

Monday, November 17, 2008

Teeth Soap

I got up today and was excited to see that my sample of teeth soap had finally arrived. I imediately ran to bathroom to brush my teeth(lol) and much to my surprise i loved it. It did not taste like soap like i figured it would. So props go out the wonderful mama over at etsy who made it.For those who want to try it heres a link to it Last night while I was typing away my sweet little girl Isabella was destroying the diaper bag ,so about 5 minutes later i loked over and this is what i saw she had fallen asleep in the diaperbag. Well guys my inlaws just pulled up so I must go for now.